The Domino Effect

When a domino is set in motion, it generates a force that is the same across its whole surface. This is known as the Domino Effect. It is more powerful than you might think. In fact, it can knock over objects about one-and-a-half times its size. Watch physicist Lorne Whitehead demonstrate it with some dominoes.

A domino is a small rectangular piece of wood with a number of dots on each face. It is used to play games of chance or strategy by laying it down on its side in a row with other pieces that have been placed at the edges. Each new piece is positioned to touch the edge of the previous one. Then, when the first one is pushed on by a player, it causes the others to fall in a chain reaction that goes all the way down the line. The process is similar to the way nerve impulses travel through an axon, a long strand of cell-to-cell connections that leads to your brain.

There are many different types of domino games. The most common are blocking and drawing games. For example, players begin with a double-six set of dominoes that are shuffled and then arranged so that each player has seven tiles. The player then draws at random from a pool of remaining tiles, called the stock or boneyard. The first player to play all of their tiles wins the game.

Another popular domino game is called Concentration. It requires a set of 28 dominoes that are numbered 1 to 6, with each domino having a unique number of pips on each side. The players draw a number of tiles from the stock and then try to place them so that the value of each pair matches. The two tiles must be of matching values — either in terms of the total number of pips or their placement in a row.

Historically, dominoes were made of bone or silver lip ocean pearl oyster shell (mother of pearl), ivory, and dark hardwoods such as ebony with contrasting black or white pips inlaid or painted on them. Dominoes made from natural materials tend to be heavier and feel more substantial than those made from polymer.

While Dominos has made a name for itself as the pizza delivery company, it is also an innovator when it comes to food and technology. It has a large research and development center in Ann Arbor, Michigan where it works on cutting-edge initiatives to help its customers. Its team of scientists, engineers and mathematicians has developed a variety of tools to help its franchises improve operations and provide better customer service.

Dominos’ innovation hasn’t always been successful. Its recent attempts to make a delivery drone and to offer vegetarian and gluten free pizzas have not gone well, but the company has continued to innovate by investing in its employees and exploring its technology options. This has allowed Domino’s to stand out from the competition and remain a leader in the fast-food industry.